Automaton AI's release notes have a brief description of the new updates released on our unified Deep Learning Platform- ADVIT. View All Release Notes

Release – August 2021

Advit Shortcuts -

1.  a – To add a node after the current node, while using polygon annotation.

2.  b – To show all annotated objects on the screen.

3.  d – To Delete the current/selected node.

4.  e – To save points locally on the browser.

5.  h – To fade background.

6.  m – To move current/selected node in any direction & doesn’t maintain the shape of a rectangle.

7.  n – To Tavel through nodes and go to the next node.
8.  q – To load and go to the previous image
9.  s – To save all objects to the server
10.  w – To load and go to the next image
11.  x – To show/hide the reference axis on the screen
12.  z – To add an object with the currently selected category
13.  u – To update and load the next image according to the presence of objects. (If the object is present for 1st image and 20th image then after pressing ‘u’ while being on 1st image it will load 20th image instead of 2nd one)
14.  y – To update and load the previous image according to the presence of objects. (If the object is present for 1st image and 20th image then after pressing ‘y’ while being on the 20th image it will load 1st image instead of the 19th one)
15.  D – To Delete the current / selected object
16.  M – To Move current/node & adjust other nodes to as per its axis to maintain the shape of a rectangle
17.  N – To Tavel through nodes and go to the previous node
18.  S – To Shift or move the whole shape.

Automaton AI's release notes have a brief description of the new updates released on our unified Deep Learning Platform- ADVIT. View All Release Notes